Separately Managed Accounts

Strategic Income Tax-Exempt

Investment Objective

To generate long-term growth of capital through market appreciation and income generation, by investing in a diversified portfolio of taxable fixed income securities and dividend-paying equity securities within a generally moderate risk profile that seeks to reduce volatility relative to the overall stock market.

Investment Team

The portfolio is managed by a team of tenured research professionals who are responsible for portfolio construction and allocation.


As of 12/31/2024



1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


10 Year





The portfolio will include a mix of stocks and bonds, with a focus on income generating securities.

35% - 65% Equities

Investment Process

The Strategic Income strategy combines both qualitative and quantitative investment processes, with top-down active asset allocation. Using a variety of economic, valuation, and sentiment indicators, Manning & Napier first makes a strategic asset allocation decision based on the current market and economic environment. Following this, input from various groups within our Research department is used to determine the appropriate allocation across our equity and fixed income-oriented strategies. Holdings are diversified among securities with a concentration on income. Stock exposure is focused on real estate securities (such as real estate investment trusts), dividend-paying companies, and emerging market equities. Stock exposure can range from 35% - 65%. Bond exposure can range from 35% - 65%, and focuses on various fixed income sectors, including investment-grade as well as below investment-grade bonds. This process results in a globally diversified, multi-asset class portfolio with an emphasis on income generation.

The Manning & Napier Strategic Income – Taxable Composite is a weighted average of discretionary separately managed and/or mutual fund accounts with a Strategic Income –Taxable objective. Accounts in this composite must have a market value greater than $500,000 and tenure of at least one month under our management. Strategic Income – Taxable is a blended investment objective that invests in equities, primarily in the U.S. with some non-U.S., securities of companies that are principally engaged in the U.S. real estate industry, and fixed income securities, primarily investment grade with some below investment grade. The impacts of taxable fixed income securities are considered for this objective. The primary investment objective of accounts in this composite is to manage against capital risk by reducing year-to-year volatility. The secondary objectives are to generate income and the pursuit of capital growth, when valuations in the stock market are favorable. Equity exposure for accounts in this composite typically ranges from 35% to 65% with situational adjustments within this range at our discretion. This composite includes separately managed accounts that may have a portion, or all, of their assets invested in proprietary asset class mutual funds. Net-of-fee returns shown reflect the deduction of a model advisory fee applied to the Gross-of-fee returns on a monthly basis. The model advisory fee is determined by applying the strategy’s tiered fee schedule to every account included in the composite, and is inclusive of management fees, advisory fees, and custody fees for Manning & Napier’s affiliated trust company, Exeter Trust Company. Actual account level fees will vary with size and circumstances and these fee differentials would impact returns accordingly. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of fees paid to an investor’s personal financial advisor, solicitations fees, or third-party custodian costs, as applicable. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns were earned in USD and are stated here in USD. All data are subject to revision. Performance for periods greater than one year is annualized.

Investment Objective

To generate long-term growth of capital through market appreciation and income generation, by investing in a diversified portfolio of taxable fixed income securities and dividend-paying equity securities within a generally moderate risk profile that seeks to reduce volatility relative to the overall stock market.

Investment Team

The portfolio is managed by a team of tenured research professionals who are responsible for portfolio construction and allocation.


The portfolio will include a mix of stocks and bonds, with a focus on income generating securities.

35% - 65% Equities


As of 12/31/2024



1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


10 Year




Investment Process

The Strategic Income strategy combines both qualitative and quantitative investment processes, with top-down active asset allocation. Using a variety of economic, valuation, and sentiment indicators, Manning & Napier first makes a strategic asset allocation decision based on the current market and economic environment. Following this, input from various groups within our Research department is used to determine the appropriate allocation across our equity and fixed income-oriented strategies. Holdings are diversified among securities with a concentration on income. Stock exposure is focused on real estate securities (such as real estate investment trusts), dividend-paying companies, and emerging market equities. Stock exposure can range from 35% - 65%. Bond exposure can range from 35% - 65%, and focuses on various fixed income sectors, including investment-grade as well as below investment-grade bonds. This process results in a globally diversified, multi-asset class portfolio with an emphasis on income generation.

The Manning & Napier Strategic Income – Taxable Composite is a weighted average of discretionary separately managed and/or mutual fund accounts with a Strategic Income –Taxable objective. Accounts in this composite must have a market value greater than $500,000 and tenure of at least one month under our management. Strategic Income – Taxable is a blended investment objective that invests in equities, primarily in the U.S. with some non-U.S., securities of companies that are principally engaged in the U.S. real estate industry, and fixed income securities, primarily investment grade with some below investment grade. The impacts of taxable fixed income securities are considered for this objective. The primary investment objective of accounts in this composite is to manage against capital risk by reducing year-to-year volatility. The secondary objectives are to generate income and the pursuit of capital growth, when valuations in the stock market are favorable. Equity exposure for accounts in this composite typically ranges from 35% to 65% with situational adjustments within this range at our discretion. This composite includes separately managed accounts that may have a portion, or all, of their assets invested in proprietary asset class mutual funds. Net-of-fee returns shown reflect the deduction of a model advisory fee applied to the Gross-of-fee returns on a monthly basis. The model advisory fee is determined by applying the strategy’s tiered fee schedule to every account included in the composite, and is inclusive of management fees, advisory fees, and custody fees for Manning & Napier’s affiliated trust company, Exeter Trust Company. Actual account level fees will vary with size and circumstances and these fee differentials would impact returns accordingly. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of fees paid to an investor’s personal financial advisor, solicitations fees, or third-party custodian costs, as applicable. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns were earned in USD and are stated here in USD. All data are subject to revision. Performance for periods greater than one year is annualized.

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